It's Daylilies Week!

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Posted by @dave on
This is it! The highly anticipated Daylilies Celebration Week! Let's open the week with a look at the top cultivars, top comments, most thumbed images, and more!

Share your photos this week, and keep watch on the photos that get shared by others. Give thumbs to the ones you like, and participate in our Daylilies forum. At the end of the week, I'll give a report of the best images and the most active members. Each member featured in that report will be awarded the Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Microbadge! You can always see the latest Daylilies photos by going to the ATP homepage and you'll see the latest pictures right below the articles.

Now, let's see the most popular daylily cultivars in our database. Well, really the most popular? I'm not sure but we can only make guesses based on how many different people post comments, images, growers reports, and so forth. So really this is a look at the most active entries in our daylilies database. Okay, let's have a look.

#1: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro')

@Bonehead says, "I consider Stella one of my garden workhorses. Early to emerge, the foliage covers spent bulbs well, blooms over a long period of time, blends well with other plants, and is generous with divisions. I originally got a start from a friend and now have several clumps scattered throughout my yard. Welcome spots of sunshine."

#2: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy')

@robertduval14 says, "There is a very good reason that our database currently shows 37 members owning this cultivar: It's gorgeous. It is very hard to pass by a decent clump of blooming 'Strawberry Candy' without stopping to admire. Top notch performer. I recommend this one regularly to landscaping customers that are just getting started with daylilies."

#3: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream')

@Newyorkrita says, "Orange, orange, orange is the only way to describe the flower on Primal Scream. Always hot, hot orange. Large flowers on tall scapes. No way to not notice this one from across the garden."

@Calif_Sue added, "If you love orange blooms (and I do!), this is the one to get! If you don't, seeing this bloom in person may convert you. The distinct blooms are large with a tangerine and orange blend that really stands out and commands attention in the garden, especially in full clump size. Well loved by gardeners in a wide range of zones, it won the highest honor for a daylily in 2003, the Stout Metal."

#4: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Wild Horses')

@Natalie says, "I absolutely love the bloom on this daylily, but it has not multiplied or bloomed well for me. It was planted originally at my last house (zone 5a), about 4 or 5 years ago, and never multiplied. It was in bloom when I bought it, and it didn't bloom again until the year before last. I moved it to my new home last year (zone 7b). I was thrilled to see three new fans the other day! I'm very hopeful that it will bloom well in my warmer zone! At least it has multiplied, which is an improvement. I will always keep this one, because it is worth it when it blooms. I just suspect that it does much better in warmer climates than it does in colder climates.

I needed to update this since my last post. Wild Horses is much happier in my warmer zone! I now have at least 10 fans, which is a huge improvement over the original 2 that I had for 4 or 5 years, and it has two scapes on it! The only thing that has changed for the plant is its location. Otherwise, I haven't done anything different as far as fertilizing. It's still in full sun, like it was before, and it looks great! Can't wait to see it bloom!"

#5: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Siloam Double Classic')

@flaflwrgrl says, "I grew this daylily in zone 10, where it began blooming in May or June, depending on the weather, and almost continually bloomed until Aug./Sept. It was not dormant in zone 10. Instead, it was what I would describe as semi-dormant. It was tough and lovely! One of my favorites. I sent some fans to friends in Charlotte N.C., Montgomery, Al., and San Antonio, Tx. They bloomed for them within 2 - 3 months. They are all delighted with Siloam Classic Double, and so am I."

#6: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Indian Giver')

@mattsmom says, "Very hardy & reblooms in my Zone 4a garden."

@mcash70 added, "New to my garden this year and I loved it, beautiful bloom and color."

#7: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi')

@daylily says, "
Curt Hanson's Crintonic Garden Catalog said:BELA LUGOSI
95 M 33 SE
The last of the original tet GRAND MASTERPIECE progeny to bloom, and possibly my finest purple to date, BELA LUGOSI inherits its clarity and depth of color from the BLACKWATCH grandparent which has been a cornerstone in my work with purple. The flower is a true self, devoid of any lighter watermark or deeper eyezone that could detract from the emphasis on pure color—which is a rich, true burgundy purple, enhanced by an exceptionally smooth velvet-like finish and soft lemon-lime throat. Overall form is very full, wide and gently reflexed, with an air of dignity. The petals are graced by deep undulating ruffles. Substance is very heavy and the flower opens well even after cool nights. The stately scapes are tall and erect, with well-spaced three and four-way branching. BELA LUGOSI is fertile either way, and is emerging as a parent of extraordinary merit. HM 99, AM 01, Lenington 07

I bought this daylily when it was introduced. Today, 17 years later - it remains the purple that I compare all the others to. Holds up well in sun. The year I had rust, it was only lightly affected. I have many daylilies that are newer than Bela, but it remains in my top 5 favorites.

This is one of those plants that I saw a huge difference between the one I bought from the hybridizer and the "big box store" tissue culture plants. I bought one from a couple stores and the flowers were not as intense, did not hold up to sun as well, and branching and bud count was inferior. I composted the ones from the big box stores."

#8: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals')

@jon says, "This is my favorite "old" daylily. And this daylily reblooms for me here in Texas, which I like a lot."

#9: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Beautiful Edgings')

@Avedon says, "Brand new to us this year, and it has never missed a beat. This is a truly fabulous daylily. It is a definite bud builder here with 45 buds on one scape and this is in August. Sure hope it continues to delight and surprise us with so many beautiful flowers."

#10: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Ruby Spider')

@mattsmom says, "Favored by all that visit my gardens. Exceptional plant. Very large, gorgeous blooms. Blooms for extended period. Prolific bloomer and increaser here in my zone 4a garden."

@Dayjillymo added, "Ruby Spider routinely grows 38 to 40 inches here in my zone 5 garden. It handles our hot temperatures and high humidity with grace and beauty. It has increased well for me even through our drought years. It is definitely one of my favorite reds."

#11: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns')

@Avedon says, "Always a reliable bloomer and for a very long time. In a good year, this plant will be blooming here in November."

@mcash70 added, "Happy Returns is a favorite of mine, first to bloom, then it continues to do so all summer. Very pod and pollen fertile, at least in my experience."

#12: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'South Seas')

@Newyorkrita says, "I saw pictures posted of South Seas in someone's daylily garden and that was it for me. I thought South Seas was so lovely and I just had to buy it for my own garden. That was many years ago, and now South Seas blooms here with its pretty flowers each summer."

#13: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Moonlit Masquerade')

@Joy says, "Ivory-Cream with a sharply defined bold purple eye. Often virtually continuous bloom during warm summers and re-blooms even in the North. Good increaser."

@chalyse added, "It is possible this cultivar is available as (or comes as) a Triploid. See for notation."

#14: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box')

@Joy says, "Cream with purple eyezone and green throat.
Very susceptible to rust.
Very hardy and vigorous cream to near white with beautifully contrasting rich purple-violet eyezone. High bud count and long season of bloom, but the scapes have to be cleaned of spent flowers regularly as they are clustered a bit too close together in a multiple top cluster and stick and readily fuse together. Probably best in containers or as an edging plant to a larger planting, positions where the spent flowers could be easily picked. Growth excellent and lush, and the flowers are showy and beautiful."

#15: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Barbara Mitchell')

@Joy says, "Very resistant to rust. Moderate increase. Garden Value Poll Winner"

@jon added, "This daylily does show rust resistances. It also blooms constantly through the summer."

#16: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Trahlyta')

@Joy says, "Greyed violet, purple layered eyezone, frag. A very unusual flower with numerous gradients of color in the eyezone. An unusual Spider form which is much sought after and a valued breeding plant. Bright greenish colored throat. The foliage habit is variable, sometimes disappearing completely in winter and other times not, and the flower color is a little changeable too but always beautiful."

#17: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Spacecoast Sea Shells')

@Calif_Sue says, "AHS Awards------
Honorable Mention 2006
Award Of Merit 2009
R.W. Munson, Jr. Award 2009"

#18: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Custard Candy')

@mcash70 says, "Custard Candy has done very well in my zone 3a garden, its hardy, has multiplied very well, lovely blooms."

#19: Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso')

@Newyorkrita says, "Kwanso may have a stunning flower (and that it is) but you do not want to plant Kwanso in your daylily beds or anywhere near them as it will take over everything. When trying to dig out Kwanso even the smallest bit of root left means it will return again.

I had one pop up on one of my late bloomer beds. I very carefully dug up the fans and all the roots. Two years later, here it is blooming again. The plant had regrown from whatever small piece I missed. Again I dug it out. Hope I got it all this time."

#20: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Lavender Blue Baby')

@value4dollars says, "Lavender Blue Baby was purchased mid year, and it has a scape full of buds. I'm eager to see this bloom, but we are so late in the year here in Texas, I fear it may freeze. I have covered it in the light freezes we've had, and the scape continues to survive and look healthy. Keeping fingers crossed!"

#21: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Always Afternoon')

@Joy says, "Strong growing, lush foliage. Opens early and well. Very good performer, easily split up and propagated."

#22: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Sabine Baur')

@GDJCB says, "My photo I placed on here is not the best you will see in the database. In fact, it is a FFO for my garden on June 4th temps mid 50's, but it was taken at 5:30am and shows that this plant is a CMO here in my zone 6a garden. This is important here, where mornings are often mid 50's."

#23: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'El Desperado')

@Joy says, "Dependable bloomer, consistently perfect blooms once established. Doesn't seem to be bothered by cool weather."

#24: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Prairie Blue Eyes')

@robertduval14 says, "Another classic daylily that still holds its own against the "latest and greatest" of today's DL's. Very fast increase on this one."

#25: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Red Volunteer')

@Marilyn says, "One of my favorite reds that I used to grow. 'Red Volunteer' is a beautiful red. It's a good grower and a joy to grow. I loved that the blooms were velvety! I remember that it it didn't fade any in the full sun, that it kept its beautiful red in the evening. I never had any problems with it when I grew it.

A good and older red to grow!"

#26: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Rocket City')

@Newyorkrita says, "An oldie but goodie in my garden. I have two large clumps which put out lots of bloom each July."

@Joy added, "Tawny orange with a deeper, burnt orange eye. This good, robust grower is always a bright and showy border performer."

#27: Ditch Lily (Hemerocallis fulva)

@Bonehead says, "I have not found this lovely plant to be invasive at all. I've had the same smallish patch for over 20 years, and have recently brought some more in to add additional color to my driveway border. I have it planted in part-shade, which perhaps explains why it has not spread as much as others have found. It thrives and blooms without staking or leaning, but has only increased a small amount over the years."

#29: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Paper Butterfly')

@Joy says, "Creamy orchid-peach with a broad, shaded blue eyezone; pastel yellow throat. Strong rebloomer. Very early bloom. Plants do best with winter protection. Flowers have a unique form with petals that 'canoe'."

#30: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Mystical Rainbow')

@Avedon says, "First season in our garden, and we love it. It has bloomed very well."

#31: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Big Kiss')

@SCButtercup says, "Tall and proud, this Daylily really stands out for its double blossoms and overall vigor. In my zone 8 garden this is the fastest-spreading variety I own. I was surprised because I thought a fancy double flower would make it a finicky plant, but it is easy and showy at the same time."

#32: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Fairy Tale Pink')

@Marilyn says, "Hemerocallis 'Fairy Tale Pink' is a wonderful daylily. Pretty pinkish color and perfect flower when it blooms. A great grower in areas throughout the U.S."

#33: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me')

@Joy says, "Bright red self with yellow green throat.
One of all time famous Daylilies and one of the best minis. Always a delight with a mass display of soft red blooms which open well and are weather resistant. Cast iron constitution. Very susceptible to rust."

@robertduval14 added, "By far my most consistent "red." This thing performs like a champ year after year in total disregard for what the season's weather is like from year to year. Flowers almost never hang up, showing great form, and their color saturation is excellent. A total charmer of a plant in the garden."

#34: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Spacecoast Starburst')

@chalyse says, "It is possible this cultivar is available as (or comes as) a Triploid. See for notation."

#35: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Bluegrass Music')

@StephGTx says, "WOW!! This is one gorgeous daylily!! I don't have many daylilies so I googled this one to buy. I found it for sale but sadly it's WAY out of my price range Sad $175 is just too steep for me :("

#36: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache')

@Newyorkrita says, "Chicago Apache is an older daylily that was new in my garden the spring of 2010. I was looking for another great red and this one fit the bill perfectly. Plus it is very reasonaly priced so very afordable to all. This summer once it started blooming it was never out of bloom for many weeks, haveing a very long bloom run. If you love red daylilies then Chicago Apache is a must have.


#37: Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Little Business')

@plantladylin says, "I purchased a couple of these plants at the end of the season last year from a local Walmart garden center. They were such a good buy that I got them to tuck into containers with other perennials. I love their small size and the bloom color, and they seem to be doing well with the heat and humidity, so I'm hoping they will survive and thrive for years to come."

The most thumbed-up image in the Daylilies area is shown below:

Comments and Discussion
Thread Title Last Reply Replies
Biggest Reveal or Surprise... by GaNinFl Jul 25, 2016 3:15 AM 1
Happy companions by csandt Jul 25, 2016 2:37 AM 1
Cultivar that hooked you? by GaNinFl Jul 23, 2015 10:47 PM 25
So Many Stars! by Sheridragonfly Jul 18, 2015 9:25 PM 6
Yay for daylilies week! by kidfishing Jul 18, 2015 11:36 AM 15
Need more! by treehugger Jul 18, 2015 11:34 AM 1

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