dnrevel's Plant List: Foliage for Bouquets

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Viewing all plants in the category: Foliage for Bouquets

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Midwest Wildflower Mix
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Trade as seed
Foliage for Bouquets
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Midwest Wildflower mix 2020 (Ref: brown envelope ) Mix contains 20+ different species, including 10+ annuals for first-year color. Year two perennials will flower next year. Adapted to the shorter summers and cold winters of the Midwest.

Have started some wildflowers in the Project Grow perennial garden in 2021. Will see which return in 2022.
March 14, 2022: Seeds sown (WS in jug. )
March 17, 2022: Seeds sown (Direct sown in two spots at new Johnson gardens.)
April 11, 2022: Seeds germinated (Germinated well. By May, the jug is full of germinated new seedlings.)
May 7, 2022: Transplanted (Pricked some out of WS jug and planted in root trainer tray to allow some plants to grow unimpeded in their own soil space. )

blooming with Royal Sunset lily

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels')
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Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
Bought seeds in 2020 or so. Good plant. Doing well in backyard. Ordered more seed in 2023-2024. February 21, 2023: Seeds sown (Sown in CSS Project Grow garden, east inside border, pelleted seed, by Hollyhocks. Ferry Morse seed. )


Yarrow (Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl')
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
NOTE this is sown in several different ways for 2023.

Plants are reliable and vigorous in second year of production with good 24–36" height. They bloom mid to late summer. To produce rebloom, cut back within 2-3 inches of ground, after first flowers. Perennial in Zones 3–9.

Endures heat and low-water once established. Light is required for germination.
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Leaves: Fragrant
Flowers late spring to early fall
Medicinal Herb, Cut Flower, Dried Flower, Will Naturalize
Dynamic Accumulator: K (Potassium), P (Phosphorus), Fe (Iron)
Wildlife Attractant: Butterflies, Bees
Resistances: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Salt to lerant, Drought tolerant
February 25, 2023: Seeds sown (Winter sown in Dixie Cup. NOTE: Needs LIGHT to germinate. Seed from Swallowtail Garden Seeds, Fall 2022. Also known as Marshmallow Yarrow. )
March 18, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinating in greenhouse using humidity dome, dixie cup method.)
March 27, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinated in Dixie Cups in small tote and in larger totes. NOTE this is sown in several different ways for 2023.)
April 9, 2023: Potted up (Pricked out from Dixie Cups in tray, moved to next larger size in greenhouse, April 9 & 10.)
May 1, 2023: Transplanted (Set out in several garden spaces in the front yard, after hardening off for a few days outdoors.)


Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum 'Licorice Alabaster')
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Trade as seed
Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Foliage for Bouquets
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Winter Sowed this lovely plant and found it was a robust and gorgeous addition to my new dahlia & perennial garden beds. Highly recommended. The bees love it! Definitely keep growing this robust white variety. December 17, 2021: Harvested (Harvested seed for 2022 sowing. Lovely scented, robust plant.)
March 30, 2022: Plant emerged (Five or six robust plants are re-growing in March, April)
March 22, 2023: Plant emerged (Seven to ten plants growing in front and backyard. Split one backyard plant into three sections and planted two at Johnson Project Grow.)
May 22, 2023: Plant emerged (This plant is growing in many places in the garden. Self seeding, but not too aggressive. Am transplanting to another garden plot offsite, Johnson Project Grow.)
July 1, 2023: Bloomed


Joyweed (Alternanthera brasiliana 'Purple Prince')
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Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Perennial grown as an annual. Needs plenty of water. Lovely, dark purple foliage. Great accent for Osteospermum and other green leafed annuals.

One new plant was lush and full in a 12-14" pot by season's end.
October 1, 2022: Cuttings stuck (Put in the new greenhouse. Will see if it will carry over to a new season. Lovely foliage plant.)
October 12, 2022: Cuttings stuck (Made a second set of cuttings. Placed in greenhouse.)


Lady's Lace (Ammi majus 'Graceland')
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Cottage Garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Medium to tall annual. Not invasive. New to me in 2020. Grew well from Winter Sown (tote and red cups) in 2021. Self-seeding. Also Winter Sown in jug in 2022. March 7, 2021: Seeds sown (From Swallowtail Seeds. Winter Sown. )
March 23, 2021: Seeds germinated (In red cups in garden tote.)
October 28, 2021: Deadheaded (Saved seeds for 2022 Winter Sowing)
March 14, 2022: Seeds sown (Winter Sown in jug in 2022. Seed self-collected.)
May 11, 2022: Seeds germinated (Self seeded in front yard mailbox garden. )
May 12, 2023: Plant emerged (Seeds germinated (Self seeded in front yard mailbox garden. ))


Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua)
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Annual Full Sun to Partial Shade Cold hardiness: Zone 7a -17.8 °C (0 °F) to -15 °C (5 °F)
Plant Height: 4-6 feet Leaves: Fragrant Flowers: Showy
September 21, 2021: Obtained plant (Obtained the dried plant by accident while cutting down end of season plants in the community garden. Learned this fragrant weed was Sweet Annie, or Artemisia. I now have a good quantity of seed.)
March 14, 2022: Seeds sown (WS in jug.)
October 1, 2022: Harvested (Harvested fragrant blooms. Nice filler for bouquets as well.)


Wild Indigo (Baptisia 'Cherries Jubilee')
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Foliage for Bouquets
Winter Garden
April 15, 2021: Transplanted (To sunnier spot by the antique cultivator, backyard)


Hare's Ear (Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Green Gold')
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Foliage for Bouquets
New seed winter sowed January, FedCo Seed 2021 Seed Order
Foliage, for bouquets, cutting garden
January 28, 2021: Seeds sown (Winter Sown, January 2021)
May 16, 2021: Seeds germinated (Poor germination, only one plant growing. Will let it go to seed n June and try again.)


Ornamental Millet (Cenchrus americanus 'Purple Majesty')
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Foliage for Bouquets
Grasses and Plumed plants
New plants and seeds
May try again with Dixie cups and heat mats in 2023.

From: NParks.gov.sg Gov organization:
Pearl millet cultivar which grows in clumps, up to 1.5 m tall with showy inflorescence and foliage. Foliage Foliage has red midrib, leaf blade is green at first and matures into deep purple colour. Flowers Inflorescence is cat-like raceme, and purple-brown in colour. Cultivation Grows well under full sun, with well drained soil. Sunny area intensifies the purple pigment.
Source: https://www.nparks.gov.sg/flor...
March 14, 2022: Seeds sown (WS in jug.)
July 18, 2022: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (This winter sowing jug was a dud. Perhaps the seeds were not viable. I waited a long time for any to sprout.)

 Photo Courtesy of Select Seeds. Used with permission.

Blue Globe Thistle (Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow')
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Deer and Rabbit Resistant
Seed from Swallowtail Gardens 2023.
Cut Flower, Dried Flower
March 6, 2023: Seeds sown (Swallowtail Seeds, sown indoors in green cell pack trays, 65-70 degrees for germination - LIGHT aids germination, germ. in 14-21 days.))
May 13, 2023: Transplanted (Planted in front yard gardens.)


Globe Thistle (Echinops bannaticus 'Star Frost')
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Seed from Swallowtail Gardens 2023.
Cut Flower, Dried Flower
Matures: Summer, Late summer or early fall
Provides winter interest
Cut Flower, Dried Flower
Attractants: Bees, Birds, Butterflies
March 6, 2023: Seeds sown (Seeds sown indoors in green cell pack trays, (Swallowtail Seeds) sown 65-70 degrees for germination - LIGHT aids germination, germ. in 14-21 days.)
March 17, 2023: Seeds germinated (Put on heat mat, germinated well indoors, moved to greenhouse March 25th.)
May 13, 2023: Transplanted (Transplanted to mailbox garden and Star Magnolia garden.)


Globe Thistle (Echinops ruthenicus 'Platinum Blue')
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Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
January 26, 2022: Seeds sown (Winter Sown in two jugs. Seeds from Swallowtail seeds.)


Purple Lovegrass (Eragrostis spectabilis)
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Foliage for Bouquets
Grasses and Plumed plants
From Prarie Moon, does not need cold stratification. Perennial
Full Sun to Partial Shade -- Tolerates: Dry
Cld hardiness: Zone 3 -
Height: 2 feet, --- Spread: 1-2 feet
Flower Time: Summer
Propagation: Seeds: Provide light
Suitable for winter sowing, Sow in situ. Start indoors.

I just transplanted this small perennial ornamental grass in a front flower bed and learned it is an American native. It is a warm-season grass is native to central and eastern North America. It is found in sandy fields, on roadsides, and in woodlands.

NOTES: I am growing it for possible use in market bouquet cut flower arrangements. I winter sowed it, potted it up and grew it to a larger size in my new, small greenhouse. I planted it today in our herb garden as a backdrop close to our rosemary transplants. I learned it spreads slowly by rhizomes.

I researched that it prefers open areas. It needs well-drained slightly dry soil in the full sun and tolerates hot dry conditions. In the winter it will go dormant. It is in the same front yard line of ChipDrop garden as our Pennsylvania Sedge, but with more sun.

February 26, 2023: Seeds sown (Sown in humidity dome. Placed in greenhouse.
Provide light to germinate)
March 18, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinating in greenhouse using humidity dome, dixie cup method.)
April 10, 2023: Potted up (Approximate date moving from Dixie Cup to small square pots to grow on.)
May 16, 2023: Transplanted (Planted from square pots to front flower bed in new herb garden. Glad to plant this native and see how it does and if it lends itself to the the cut flower garden.)


Sea Holly (Eryngium planum 'Blue Cap')
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
Swallowtail garden seeds. Needs light to germinate. March 5, 2023: Seeds sown (Swallowtail garden seeds. Needs light to germinate. Sowing in green cell packs. Will place outside for chilling.)
March 29, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinated, but seedlings are struggling, need drier soil. Soil was too wet on heat mat and lost several to damping off before turning the fan on. Sprinkled cinnamon on surface, drained out water, put in greenhouse for other seedlings that are just germinating. Cooler temps might help.)


Silver Dollar Gum (Eucalyptus cinerea)
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Shrubs and Trees
Note, it's a TREE. Seeds from Fedco Seeds. Open pollinated. 20 seeds. Start 10-12 weeks ahead. Space 12-24 inches. Overwinter trees indoors for next season.

I grew eucalyptus long ago at house in former location.
March 6, 2023: Seeds sown (FedCo Seed. NOTE: Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 8a, 10 °F to 15 °F (Overwinter in greenhouse) NOTE its a TREE: Plant Height: 15 to 30 feet (4.5-9m), Spread: 10 to 20 feet (3-6m) Leaves: Evergreen, Fragrant)
March 16, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinated indoors using mini-green humidity dome. Lost one to damping off overnight. Fan was off. Turned back on, adding cinnamon.)

This is one of NINE butterflies on my aunt's Joe Pye Weed.  I thi

Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum)
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Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Back of border, Plant Height: 3 to 8 feet (.9-2.4m)
Plant Spread: 2 to 4 feet (.6-1.2m)
Flowers in summer to early fall
March 2, 2021: Seeds sown (Winter sown, seeds from Urban Farmer)
April 19, 2021: Seeds germinated (Germination approx date. Did well winter sown.)
June 20, 2021: Transplanted (Pricked two out to grow on in pots. Planting the rest in front gardens.)
July 11, 2022: Bloomed (Arrived home after two weeks away. This winter sown plants are blooming in the front gardens.)

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare 'Sweet Florence')
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Foliage for Bouquets
Veggies, Tomatoes


Lenten Rose (Helleborus x hybridus)
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Feature plant
Foliage for Bouquets
Landscaping Plant
New plants and seeds
March 6, 2024: Obtained plant (Purchased three hybrid hellebores from Trader Joes.)
March 13, 2024: Potted up (Hellebores were very pot-bound. Up-potted.)
April 13, 2024: Transplanted (Planted two hybrid darker colored hellebores in front yard peach tree garden. Took out several large daisies. )


Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
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Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
Heirloom and Heritage
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
January 23, 2022: Seeds sown (Winter Sowed seeds in Tote - Red Cup containers. Seed from MIgardener. )
March 29, 2022: Seeds germinated
May 11, 2022: Transplanted (Growing fine. Small plant transplant from Red Cup tote. Winter Sown.)
February 1, 2023: Seeds sown (New sowing, WS in Dixie cups in tote. Seed from MIGardener)

Today's site banner is by IrisLilli and is called "Welsh Poppy and Wall"

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