tabbycat's Plant List: New 2022

A note from tabbycat
I share my seeds, cuttings & starter plants for trades or postage.

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Viewing all plants in the category: New 2022

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Photo courtesy of Joy Creek Nursery

Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus 'Midnight Blue')
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New 2022
This is closest I can find of ones I got at ron Weathers house. It's a pretty med. blue purple . November 1, 2021: Obtained plant (These were from 1 clump & a pretty med. blue/purple. There is 1 plant from a different clump hopefully different. No bloom this year.)
May 25, 2022: Bloomed (Bloom stem formed on 1 of group of about 5 in a long pot on patio.)


Peruvian Lily (Alstroemeria psittacina)
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New 2022
Sonia Comboy in Maurice gave me a start she said are red so will look like this picture. Then in July I got a pot full free at a plant trade with Lois Manuel. Said to be red too so Ill see December 14, 2021: Obtained plant (Sonya Comboy in Maurice gave me a starter small clump. Seems she said red shades)
May 31, 2022: Bloomed (1st bloom would be opened today but went limp for some reason. I could see they were pretty red.)
July 3, 2023: Deadheaded (No more flowers & most pods drying so I picked about 7 with another green for another day.)
November 1, 2023: Plant emerged (Plants started emerging & 2' by Jan1. I protected from Jan. freeze to teens. Feb. 1 they look fine but no flowers yet on this new 2nd growth of Fall 2023.)
March 21, 2024: Transplanted (Moved from long plastic pot to oval metal pot from Mamas. They are about 12" tall but no blooms yet.)
March 21, 2024: Transplanted (Moved from long plastic pot to oval metal pot from Mamas. They are about 12" tall but no blooms yet.)
April 18, 2024: Miscellaneous Event (Over only a couple of days the stems shot up from leafy bottoms so Ill have flowers soon. NOTE: They are in an oblong metal pot from Mama's & with black Eiffel Tower decor.)
April 25, 2024: Bloomed (Planted in oval galvanized bucket from Mama. They stay about 10" til about to bloom & shot up to 2 ' with pretty red bloom.)

Bleeding Heart Vine (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) 003

Bleeding Heart Vine (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)
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New 2022
traded 1 of my Baja Red antigonon leptopus for it at the Fall Mst. Gardeners trade 0-17-22 September 17, 2022: Obtained plant (Has about 6 leaves on two 10" vines. I repotted in new soil in a red 8" across pot on my patio)
June 18, 2023: Cuttings took (cut about 7 8" tips that were starting to climb in tree (not wanted). I put in water to see if they root. Note: flowers are finishing since March.I also found a few seeds so will plant those soon.)
May 25, 2024: Miscellaneous Event (Still never bloomed but putting out new growth so watching for some buds.)

Two different seedling plants.

Crinum (Crinum bulbispermum)
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New 2022
When I gave Wanda the hot pink Ellen Bosenquet she said she had soft pink ones so brought me a large bulb with green leaves . I planted in a pot for now. 3-7-22 March 8, 2022: Obtained plant (Wanda Veillon brought me a large bulb & I planted it in a pot.)

Cuttings from a friend growing fine in water one year now.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula')
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New 2022
Got 2 small cuttings from Lois Manuel & in water to root September 17, 2022: Obtained plant (Different from Brasil. Dark green with cream splotches & slightly ruffled edges)
February 14, 2023: Miscellaneous Event (In water with lots of roota but slow growing. May put in soil soon)

My 1st blooms on this 4' potted plant

Crepe Ginger (Hellenia speciosa)
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New 2022
Got a plant at a gardeners trade at UL master gardeners spot by the colosium. It was 3' with about 6 top leaves & bare root.. I potted & after a few days on patio will go potted by back fence near inground gingers May 14, 2022: Obtained plant (Never heard of it but looked interesting & free as a trade meeting by Blackham Cols)
June 25, 2022: Bloomed (Found a bud starting in center of 1st 4' stem.)
April 25, 2023: Plant emerged (Dies back but found a new stalk peeping out todat. So Happy . It got 5' last year in a pot but boy those flowers Summer to Fall)
March 15, 2024: Plant emerged (I cut dead stalks to dirt & saw new growth for 2024)

It's a little picky. Not enough sun = no blooms

Cat's Whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus)
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New 2022
12" rooted starter plant from Sonya Comboy October 21, 2022: Obtained plant
April 1, 2023: Bloomed (Just flowers on 1 spike but each branch tip has one so blooms for a while.)
May 1, 2024: Cuttings took (Big plant died over winter but I had 1 starter 6" plant left from Oct. plant sale so it worked out.)

Photo courtesy of Santa Rosa Gardens. Used with permission.

Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata 'Dark Blue')
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New 2022
I've been wanting the darker blue one for years & found this 1 I hope is that color at Stines. It's multi-stems 8" & I planted in a cute shades of blue striped pot I had for now. It is in a larger blue plastic pot now & is cobalt blue even darker than picture shows. May 27, 2022: Obtained plant (Just a $3 starter plant from Stine but I've been wanting the dark blue one. i will plant in a pot on the patio for now. Can't wait to see blooms.)
June 20, 2022: Bloomed (1st flower & it IS the dark blue as I hoped!!!)
July 15, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (For a small plant it is full of flowers mid July)
March 15, 2023: Plant emerged (All green but a slow grower sending out new growth slowly on the patio n a deep blue pot)
March 1, 2024: Plant emerged (dies back but sending out new green now. In a blue pot on patio.)
April 15, 2024: Bloomed (The darkest cobalt flowers on a pot full of scraggly but healthy plants)


Philippine Ground Orchid (Spathoglottis plicata)
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New 2022
Sonia Comboy gave me a nice starter plant. I put in a pot on patio. December 14, 2021: Obtained plant (I potted on the patio.)
February 1, 2022: Bloomed (Bloomed all Feb. on a 10" plant in a pot. Note almost finished March 25 & produced a seed Ill watch)
February 14, 2023: Bloomed (So Pretty! Bloomed all of March '23)
March 1, 2024: Bloomed (About 10 shoots in pot & all starting to bloom. Bloomed 1 month.)

Today's site banner is by frostweed and is called "Flame Acanthus, Wildflowers"

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