lovemyhouse's blog

Starting again is part of the plan...
Posted on May 8, 2013 7:29 PM

Scooped out standing water and soaked up water and wiped and scrubbed and wiped some more.  Finally got tub clean enough to plug and run a shower FOR ME!  I cleaned it, I get to use it.  Going to be 86 degrees today and I know I will need the whole shebang, not just a hose to the head.  Guess I should be fair and say that I haven’t wanted the girls to touch the stuff because of possible bad transfer to the babies.  But I am going to be thoroughly selfish.  Even though it is inconvenient for sister, they can keep going to her house for a shower—and to wash their own clothes.  I am going to use the washing machine today while they are all gone and can’t see me.  So THERE!  LOL

Never, ever been a morning person.  But, this morning, got up at 6:00 when sister got here to pick up younger-mama and girl-baby and have stayed up ever since.  How nice is it to have the house to myself for awhile?…ahhhhhh…peace.  :-)

Stepped out back about 8:30 to photograph the unusually-colored Iris didn’t know I had when it was planted and the sky started randomly flicking water drops on my back.  Just a real quick sorta-shower, like it was coming out of those old sprinkler top bottles we used to keep on the ironing board.  But I love the ‘feel’ of dark clouds in the morning.  With iced frou-frou coffee and online Monopoly?  Not much better than that.  Unless cinnamon rolls are available, too, but two out of three ain’t bad. :-]

This Iris is a delight.  Never realized that Iris have different scents, just like roses.  LOVE the fragrance of this one.  Picked one of the two blooms on the stalk/scape/whatever to bring in the house.  And, gosh, one spray from the Coral Drift Rose is a whole bouquet in itself.  The table looks right festive. :-}

Dug up the Moses’ Fire Daylily.  It had a bunch of fans, so planted it in three places.  Cleaned Iris to ship to my favorite veteran. :-)  Pulled a NOID that I call Lion, a purple speckled, a Best Bet, a pallida (love that grape soda smell), and, as a surprise, a Sparks Fly.  Rhizomes should be dry enough to pack tomorrow and ask sister to mail on Friday.  If have energy, going to dig and clean the big clump of NOID yellow Iris that is going to Illinois.  Then plant the Rose of Sharon the neighbors gave me in that spot.

Supposed to rain tomorrow.  Wish I had some new books a’cuz I really like reading when it is raining and all of these here are read and reread and rereread and…but I’ll take the rain anyway we can get it. :-p  Sore and tired, going to be early bed tonight.


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Pull your hat down tight and just LeDoux it!
Posted on May 7, 2013 8:55 PM

Have SSD appeal attorney appointment for May 28.  Will be a relief to turn it all over to someone else.

Got a fun photo of a Roguchi bloom this morning.  Looks like part of a magician’s stage act.  Still no new scapes on the daylilies—wah. 

Okay, back out this afternoon and maybe I didn’t have my glasses on this morning.  I found SEVEN new daylily scapes!  YaHOOdle!  Also found buds on the NOID yellow lilies.  Happy dance!  Decided I did have energy after all and started digging daffodil bulbs to move.  Bad decision. :-p  Ended up digging and replanting 60+ bulbs.  Was dragging by that time, but also deadheaded roses, moved a Chrysanthemum, planted or potted a dozen Iris rhizomes, and watered.  Then I watered the sweat off my head.  Still too cold to stand under it, so just bent over.  Babywiped when I got back in the house.  Too much, too much.  I just get in the zone and keep seeing things that, "this will just take a minute." :-D  Now I hurt all over and can barely move, but I feel good about those bulbs.  Been nagging at me for years and it’s finally DONE. :-D

Sister gets here today to drop off younger-mama after school and only THEN do I find out Blondy is taking baby and going to spend night with a friend.  Okaaayyy.  Guess I didn’t need to know.  Too bad she won’t be gone all week, but I’ll take at least one no-stress morning tomorrow.  LOL


[ Permalink | no comments ] might get out 'fore the Devil even knows you're there...
Posted on May 6, 2013 3:02 PM

Hauled all the dirty dishes outside to the carport, filled a soup pot and a five gallon bucket with soapy water, and started washing.  Laid them out on a big sheet, then rinsed.   Had the girls put all away when they were dry.  Back hurts a little from leaning over on the stool for so long, but it made the chitlins think a bit about what is and is not a ‘right.’  :-)

Got the snake from sister (nephew used her car to drop it off).  Tub is backed up since last night.  Tried my hand at snaking the outside clean out.  Turned the hose on to flush out some of it.  Will give it a couple of hours and see if the tub has drained any.  If not, then will try to snake the tub.  Sister was thinking about renting an electric snake, but she is sick today and I’d rather she stayed home.  IRS advocate says even with help it will still be June before the refund is processed—IF the paperwork is approved.  Don’t see how it wouldn’t be, but you never know who is looking at it.  So, still waiting to be able to get plumber.  Thankful for lots and lots of plastic grocery bags to triple up for ‘scooping.’  :-D

Okay, can’t figure out how to get the snake head through the tub drain.  Pulled front hose around side, sat on stool, used dishwater in big bucket to wet hair (the really ucky stuff was in the smaller pot), then lathered up with Green Apple shampoo.  The idea was that younger-mama would use the showerhead-type wand on the hose to rinse the soap out.  Oh, she did that, alright—straight down the back of my t-shirt!  COLLLDDDDD!  It was colllldddddd!  LOL.   But, she did try to not do that.  Finished rinsing, dried off enough to stop dripping, went in house, put on pajamas and made semi-homemade salsa.


New day.  Dragged all the dogs in here, blocked the door, put pillow over the head, and pulled up the covers about 6:30 last night so Blondy didn’t think she could schmooze me into watching the baby for her while she went out with one of her bed partners.  After the stunt she pulled last Wednesday/Thursday, I am not so amenable to babysitting anymore.  Was cranky myself yesterday and didn’t even want her in my room.  Well, I don’t EVER want her in here, but this was specific. LOL

Hurt everywhere today.  Combination of the three of us moving that fire hydrant out of the back yard on Saturday, being on that stool for an hour Sunday, the MS kicking up, and a front moving in.  Will try ibuprofen first.  If no help, with hit the muscle relaxer.  Don’t like taking it much because of the aftereffects, but when ya gotta, ya gotta.

Beautiful sunshine this morning. Got an exciting shot of blue Salvia against the yellow-green of an Euonymus.  Happy happy with that.  Then the legs gave out and I moved right back into the bedroom.  ROFL

Got up this afternoon and made another pot of ‘kitchen sink’ for sister to take home to that bunch.  Used shell noodles, leftover pork roast out of the freezer, chopped onion, a drained can of green beans, a can each of cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soups, the remainder of a package of Velveeta Shreds, a cup of sour cream, some milk, and garlic powder.  Okee tasty to me, so off it goes to them.

Used web contact form for SSD attorney firm last week.  Of course, get form reply back—they don’t work through email.  Well, then, what is the purpose of having a form available in the first place that asks your preferred method of contact?  Sheesh.  Asked sister today what she thought about following up with them for the disability appeal and she pushed that YES button real fast.  :-D  So, replied to their form reply with my phone number and a time range for calling.  I know I have grounds to appeal, we will just have to see if the lawyers decide they can get enough money out of the case to take it on. :-/

I love this Festiva Maxima.   And the pink coloring on the outer petals this year is weird and wonderful.  Had been thinking of moving it out to a spot with more sun, but mebbe not now. :-)


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You're still the same.
Posted on May 4, 2013 3:48 PM

Scooby Doo-creeping past Buddha Boy’s room to get to bathroom.  Floor creaks and I want him to sleep as long as naturally possible this morning—because I’m tired. :-p  Have apples and cinnamon oatmeal, think he’ll get that for breakfast today.

Thought I’d lost a regular ol’ purple Echinacea over the winter, but it starting coming up, so yesterday I moved it to where I did lose a Marmalade Echinacea.  Snails haven’t chewed it up as of this morning, so hopeful. 

Chilly and windy.  Still would have gone out for awhile if Blondy-mama had been home on time.  Was supposed to come back this morning.  At 2:20 this afternoon she texts from someone else’s phone asking if it is okay if she goes over to my sister’s to take a shower before her parenting class tonight.  Which means I will have had this boy on my hands for 28 ½ hours straight.  She knew she was lying yesterday when she said it.  Two things that will set me against someone for good are stealing from me and lying to me.  She’s done both, and now lied more than once.  I can’t get her out of my house, but I sure can stop helping her in any other way.

Mortgage payment arrived today.  I don’t deserve such a friend and I am deeply grateful that she thinks I do.


New day.  Priced most of the driveway sale stuff.  Not feeling good, spending most of day in bed in between shouting matches with Blondy…sigh…guess I should just count my blessings that this is the first time for it since she moved in.


New day.  Sale was a little disappointing because no one wanted my big framed posters (wahhhhh), but it made enough to pay one month of the cable and buy two weeks worth of toilet paper and a prescription.  Sent several boxes of left over stuff with sister to drop at women’s shelter resale shop on her way home (it is right on her route).  Now to figure out what to do with the rest of the leftovers.  Got pretty hot and sweaty and need a shower, but plumbing is still on the blink.  Mebbe I could put on my swimsuit (I think it still fits) and go hose off in the backyard…nah, too much trouble when I ain’t got a lot of energy left; will just baby-wipe the pits again. :-p

Watered some.  Love it when people slow down or stop and look at my yard.  It is pretty spectacular at the moment if one is a rose lover.  Daylilies should be putting on their show in about three weeks.  I be happy happy more. :-D


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Gimme the beat, boys...
Posted on May 1, 2013 6:17 PM

Sunday, dumpy Sunday.  I feel dumpy.  Good thing I have dogs, they MAKE me get out of bed.

The pork roast cooked too long, part of it is mealy.  Will cut it up to make ‘kitchen sink’ and no one will know the difference.  LOL

Thank GOD!  Sister came early and took them all away to shower at her house before the cousin birthday party.  Happy dance, happy dancing feet, happyhappyhappy!  Cranked up the TV volume to max, propped open the front door, and listened to baseball while I worked in the yard.  Moved several dozen bulbs; dug up a tree seedling that had been let go too long; pulled the hibiscus pieces out of the pot, noticed two were still green at the base, and planted them (can’t hurt to try); potted up the Rose of Sharon the neighbors gave me—it is budding :-); pulled part of the grape soda-smelling Iris pallida, gave one rhizome across the street, planted three up by the house, and stuck three in front of the tree as a holding pen.  Watered and did some other stuff I can’t remember.  Now I am realllly realllly tired.  And they still aren’t home, yet.  I think Heaven is visiting my house with this gift of absence.


New day.  Ach, I don’t even want to talk about it.


New day.  Blondy-mama took Buddha Boy to spend last night at a friend’s, so house is really quiet this morning.  Stress is kicking my butt.  Most of it is monetary, which I can’t do a lot for at the moment.  Listed a ‘driveway sale’ on craigslist for this Saturday.  Roped DIL into helping—approached her in front of others so she couldn’t say no. (heheheh)  Listed my fire hydrant separately on craigslist and eBay.  Fingers crossed it goes by Thursday so I can get change for Saturday.

Well, she’s back.  Texted her to stay there for another night, but she says she didn’t get it until they were almost here.  Took boy-baby outside for a bit, brought him back in, and headed back out myself.  Pulled some weeds, came in for a broom, and she decides she wants to take her phone conversation and the baby out front with me.  Then they follow me around the yard.  Hey, I come out here to get AWAY from all of you!! :-[


New day.  FINALLY got started on the cement blocks for Jeremy Henwood’s memorial bench.  Have two glued up and drying (hoping this glue works), waiting for grout. Yea, me!!


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