lovemyhouse's blog

Precious and few...
Posted on Apr 28, 2013 9:11 AM

I love these dogs.  All three came trotting in my room and formed a straight line up—butt to nose.  It was funny. :-D

Social Security application denied.  Disappointing and kind of expected. On to Plan B appeal.

Oh MY GOD!  They are ALL gone until tomorrow!!!! I’m goin’ right this very dadgum minute to watch some baseball!!!  {:-D

Spoke too soon again, younger-mama had asthma attack and came home at Midnight.  Not too bad—I can tolerate her a whole lot better than the other one.


New day.  Ooooh, pretties out there this morning.  That Sparks Fly Iris is gorgeous!

Sister took me to the grocery store; took photos when she dropped me back off.  Feeling a little more enthused about living today.  Pulled all the unsold eBay tchotchkes from the back room, laid them out on the dining table.  Have several framed 24x36 posters, lots of smaller prints, and empty frames. The girls agreed to be home next Saturday from 10:00-2:00 and handle the ‘garage’ sale.  Listing it as small housewares on Craigslist, but GS is close enough.  Occurred to me last night I could sell the fire hydrant in the back yard, too.  The base is broken and jagged, but, going by the selling prices I’ve seen, I should be able to get something worthwhile for it.

Made blender salsa, sliced zucchini and onion for the fry pan, and boiled some eggs.  Pulled pork roast from freezer.  Soon as it thaws enough to remove the netting, into the crockpot it is going with the rest of the sweet onion.  Think I will cut some rosemary and lemon thyme to put in the bottom under the meat.

Younger-mama’s boyfriend here to ‘hang out.’  I made mini burgers.

Pulled Sparks Fly Iris out of pot, separated, gave some to across street neighbor, then planted the remaining rhizomes.  Fast increase on that one. Yea!

She's back.  Yuck.  I have to figure out some way to channel this dislike and resentment out and away or it's going to be a really lonnnnggggg couple of years.  Maybe will be shielded more when sister moves in.


I am humbled and unworthy of such deep and true friendship.  From the soles of my feet to the top hairs on my head, thank you, my dearest and bestest Shelley.


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They call me Mellow Yellow...
Posted on Apr 25, 2013 12:03 PM

Dreary outside.  Sinus infection coming after the cold means I don’t want to do much but play Pogo Monopoly—from bed.  Do they make extension cords for keyboards? :-/

Beginning to cringe away from the sound of Blondy-mama’s voice.  I just don’t like her as a person.  Don’t feel guilty about that, no rule says I HAVE to like my relatives.  Been comfortable with that idea for a long time.  Just going to make it a challenge to be in the same house with her all the time when I can’t escape by car any more. :-[

Might or might not be outside much tomorrow, either.  Forecast is for record low temperatures in the morning, although it looks like warming up to close to 70 by afternoon. 


Got outside for a bit this afternoon.  Did have record low of 37, but it warmed up pretty quickly.  Had Blondy put Buddha Boy in his bouncy in the front yard to keep me company.  He likes it out there.  awwwww

Didn’t do much today.  Feeling incrementally better, but those increments are smaallll. :-}


New day.  Call car recovery company to find out when car is being picked up.  Their agent not answering them, will call me back.  Open blinds to see across the street neighbor has recycle bin out.  Check online, sure enough, today is recycle pickup.  I have LOADS of it (because I forgot last time :-p), so start trudging the bags from way in back under the carport to the curb.  First trip, I see that the trash can was moved over a couple of feet from where we put it last night.  Thought enough room was left to get in and out of driveway, but maybe sister didn't think so this morning.  Second trip, notice a couple of gouges in the grassy middle strip of the driveway up by the house.  Weird, maybe sister had car problems.  Third trip I see an 12 inch long tire mark on the driveway’s concrete apron.  What in the world?  Start to the back for another load and it hits me—the car is already gone.  All that time up and down and back and I never noticed there was no white car blocking my way…sigh…

What ticks me off is I repeatedly asked the finance agency to have the driver come between 9:00AM and 6:30PM to get the keys and the car.  So what time does he show up?  At 1:00AM this morning, waking younger-mama and girl-baby.  GRRRRRRRRRRRR.  I reported it to the finance agency.  Not that it will do any good, but I felt a tiny bit less angry afterward.

Beautiful day outside.  Soothing.  Think I need to spend some time just sitting in the shade on the grass before I run out of energy--and before the fire ants come back for the year. :-P


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A day in the life...
Posted on Apr 22, 2013 7:40 PM

Cold finally easing up.  Completely forgot that we promised Blondy-mama weeks ago she could be gone all weekend at a friend’s birthday.  Ended up having her stay home on Friday, but my sister came over Saturday afternoon, took her to the friend's and stayed overnight to take care of Buddha Boy.  Younger-mama was already staying home with girl-child.  Her boyfriend came over for awhile and I made everyone quesadillas.  He seems to be a nice kid.  Uh, guy.  He's 18, so he isn't officially a kid any longer. :-p

Citrus Iris almost finished blooming for the year and my nose is too stopped up to smell them.  (sad face)

Just might have a rooted Zepherine Drouhin cutting, mebbe-mebbe-mebbe, I might.

Mickey-muttzie appears to be having a false pregnancy.  At least it had BETTER be false!  She never escaped, no sign of another dog getting in the back yard.  We will see in about 7 weeks. :-p

Will wonders never cease!  After being in this house for eight and a half years, my west neighbor FINALLY put siding on his house!  ROFL

One last day to drive the car.  Get some things done have been putting off because of laziness or forgetfulness or no gas at the times I DO remember.  Come Monday evening, it is parked in the driveway until the tow truck comes to get it.  Will cancel the insurance the day after that—would be pretty foolish to cancel before it is taken away.  Even if not driving, could still be stolen or hail-damaged or something.  The only law with absolute consistency is Murphy’s.

How very cool was it to see that tiny fairy-like translucent dragonfly creature flitty-floating around above my flowers yesterday toward dusk?  Was so enchanted with the ballet, I just stood in place with my mouth open (well, I was smiling some, too) watching it until it finished dancing and moved on.


New day.  Let all eBay listings but two end yesterday.  Packed up the remaining paid item, which was, appropriately enough, a coffee cup saying, “Sure, I’ve got emotional baggage, but at least it’s really cute and matches.”  Tis true, tis true. LOL

Social Security says I should have a decision by May 14th.  Hope, pray, wish, cross-fingers, invoke all the saints at once…

Did my last regular take kids to school/take kids to doctor/take the DIL to work/get kids from school/take DIL home road runs.  My sister will be at the house around 6:00 tomorrow morning.  On the days her DIL doesn’t work—or if they ever get their own dag~*&%^&# truck registered—she will be here around 6:45.  Now, at least, I can make sure she has a good lunch.  Just found out this evening she has been taking Ramen noodles every day, and my sister doesn’t LIKE them all that much.  Tomorrow is pork roast, cheese/sour cream mashed potatoes, and thin-sliced Italian garlic bread.  All ready wrapped and in the fridge.  Now as long as one of us remembers to have her take it… :-D


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RainRainRainRainRain!--I LIKE rain!
Posted on Apr 18, 2013 6:43 PM

Praying for the people of West.


New day.  Rain, blessed rain.  Thunderstorm early this morning.  Younger-mama decided not to fight it and stayed home from school.  Don’t blame her.  My cold is worse, so I bailed on the class.  Which means all I should have to do today is take DIL to work, then get Blondy-mama and Buddha Boy from boyfriend’s and bring home.  Sister agreed to take BB with them to Blondy’s parenting class this evening so I don’t have to watch him.

Blondy got her paternal aunt to get her from boyfriend’s early.  Can’t stand the woman, she plays favorites.  Bought Blondy lunch, then new clothes for her and for Buddha Boy.  Nothing for younger-mama or girl-baby…sigh…But I don’t have to even look at her and it means I don’t have to go get Blondy, soooooo. 

DIL won’t need a ride until at least Saturday night. Yea!

Girl-baby has been whining all morning.  Don’t blame her.  She feels bad.  I’m whiny myownself. :-D  Buddha-Boy has been whining since he got home.  Don’t blame him.  He feels bad.  I’m whiny myownself.   Two sickly babies and one sickly great-grandaunt in the house, with two mamas ready to do battle over family partiality?  Now I am REALLY whiny myveryownself!  :-p

I LIKE the newly opened Iris!  Rain be-derzelled, but the pattern is clearly discernible and there are two other scapes ready to open tomorrow for better photos.  Yea!!!

Damp, overcast, and chilly today.  Beside the be-derzelled photo, the only outside I’m going to accomplish until tomorrow at least is laundering the towels used to soak up the leaking water from the bathroom floor.  Gosh, but I do love that absorbent bag Mr. Exterminator gave me, it works right nice. :-)

Magic medicine time.  Chug some of that down and go to sleep.  Chilly tomorrow, but sunshine.  Might try to pull up more of the forty-leven thousand tree seedlings…but, might not.  Tomorrow will take care of itself.  :-D


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Ooooh, new Iris
Posted on Apr 17, 2013 6:35 PM

5:30—in the AM.  Girl-baby has been crying non-stop for at least 10 minutes.  No sound from mama.  Get up.  Mama is still laying on couch.  I pick up baby.  She stops crying.  Oh-KEEeee.  Mama, she’s crying.  Yes, she says, doesn’t know what’s wrong, baby won’t stop, and now MAMA starts crying.  Oy vey, I see problems ahead for this one.  Have her get bottle ready, tell mama I got this, go back to sleep for a few minutes.  Well, guess what?  Baby is teething.  I foresee a lonnnnngg few months ahead for all of us.

Lye did not work.  But tub had been cleaned, so I took a shower anyway.  No water on the floor and it all drained in a few hours.  Going to have younger-mama give girl-child a bath, then take a shower herself when they get home.

Warm and sticky out today.  Windy, too, but I like wind. :-)  Roses in bloom all over da plaince.  Many of them long-stemmed.  Cut a stem off half a dozen shrubs and bouqueted them for the table.  I LIKE this time of year. :-)

Had to go get infant acetaminophen and gum numb for the girl-child.  Since I have to go to the store anyway…and since I already have half the ingredients here…think I will make more blender salsa.  Figured out it tastes about the same if I use canned diced tomatoes as if I use fresh tomatoes,  so it is budget-friendly…which reminds me, I need to water the the vegetable blocks.  Figure every other day will be good until it gets a lot hotter.

Okay, so going to wait on the watering.  Supposed to rain overnight.  More better, muy more better than a water hose.

Gosh, it’s peaceful here without blondy-mama.  Sister came over for tacos after work and we ate right before going to girl-baby’s 4 month checkup.  She is feeling a tad more stable today.  I called the IRS and they have at least assigned the backup documents to an agent, so that is some progress.  I DIDN’T tell her that it is first in, first out, and no telling how long before everything is processed.  She is so fragile from money stress and everything else going on, I was just happy to have something positive to tell her.

Tomorrow is going to be another travelin’ day.  One of the requirements for Catholic Charities to pay the March mortgage is that I take three financial management classes.  Did the first at the initial appointment.  The remaining two start in the morning and go from 10:00-1:30; then after, come home and get sister’s DIL, take her to work; then go pick up blondy-mama and Buddha Boy from new-old boyfriend’s place, bring her home; then go pick up younger-mama and girl-child from school/daycare, bring them home.  Then, MAYBE, I can get back into pajamas.  This chest cold is really mild, but it is lingering and is really draining what energy I have.  My sister used to do this kind of stuff pretty much every single day after work for 20+ years?  No wonder she is so worn out.

Would love to go to the library for some less-frequently-read books than what are at the house and take my ease with the cold meds, but the car will be repossessed any day now and I don’t want to be stuck with no way to return them.  Occurred to me today to check out disability transport services.  If the Social Security is approved, I might qualify for transportation to places like the grocery and library.

The purple speckled Iris should be open tomorrow.  Thought it would be today, but tomorrow is just as good.  Just charged up the camera battery.  Gonna git me sum pitchers, pitchers, pitchers.  Still no daylily scapes, but won’t be long, now. Hop-up-and-down-impatience-dance! LOL


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