lovemyhouse's blog

Posted on Apr 16, 2013 7:25 PM

Uh-oh, girl-child has started being fussy…often and on all night, going just long enough between fussies for younger-mama to get good and back to sleep. :-p  Congested and looks like teething.  Get ready, mom, you’ve had it real good…so far…(evil laugh)

Ya-HOO!  Yippee!!! IRS refund for 2011 finally arrived.  Enough to pay light bill, refill a prescription, put some gas in the car, get diapers, and buy the ‘good’ food for my poor babies.  They’ve been stuck with Alpo Dry for a couple of weeks and they DO…NOT...LIKE…IT.

Got sweaty in the 88 degree temperatures today.  Stuck my head under the backyard water hose late this afternoon to at least rinse off.  Floy-data’s plumber friend hasn’t called either one of us back.  Don’t think he wants to help.  The smell is unpleasant even with what is being done to keep the source under control.  Was getting to the end of my tolerance and was going to get dressed and head to the store for air freshener when I remembered!  Couple of years back, the exterminator left a bag of odor neutralizer.  Never needed to use it and, voila! The bag was on top of the fridge!!!  Sealed, ready to go!!!  It had strings on the top and I tied it to hang from the bath shelf/towel rack.  Says it’s guaranteed to work.  Hopehopehope…

Two Immortality Iris were open this morning.  Not too sure I really like them.  Seem to have a grey, almost dingy, undertone and I like clean colors.  Maybe if I move them into more sun?


New day.  Bag is working!  Yippee, jump-up-and-down!!!!  Floy-data said go ahead and try the lye just one more time while he tries to locate a different plumber.  Will hold myself in check and wait until morning to test it.  BIG-time all 10 fingers-crossed.  Some crossed toes, too.

Blondy-mama is at workforce office right now taking a class in how to find a job!!! WooHoooo!  Of course, Buddha Boy waits until he and I get back home before making a ‘present’ for me. :-D  Younger-mama texted that doctor rescheduled girl-baby appointment until tomorrow.  Don’t have to take or pickup DIL from work, so once I get older-Blond-Brain-mama back home, I am freeeeeeeee until tomorrow morning.  Freeeeeeeee, I say…until someone needs something else all of a sudden.  LOL  I KNEW God had a reason for keeping me from having kids—I’d have done something rash by now if raising one or more from birth. :-p

Spoke too soon.  Older-mama wants to go to her boyfriend’s until Thursday.  Which is good because she can get her 2hour&43minute shower and give Buddha Boy a bath, as well.  But THEN I should be freeeeeeeeee, freeeEEEEEEEEEE.  Ooops…sigh…younger-mama wants to stop by store to get ice cream bars on her monthly credit.  Okay, we are home.  Nothing else, then?  Okay, NOW I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, free I say!

Slight chest cold.  Used some of the tax money and bought a small bottle of cold and flu.  Wanted Nyquil, but was virtuous and bought the store brand. :D

Two of the Iris rhizomes from Arkansas DGer might be purple-speckled whites.  Should be open tomorrow, eager to see what they look like. :-)


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Old complaints and new Iris :-)
Posted on Apr 14, 2013 7:41 PM

Gosh, the flowers are gorjemuss today!  Watered in the new stuff and the vegetables, planted the Sweetness rose I dug up from my sister’s house, trimmed a little.  Still have to plant the Rose of Sharon shrub the neighbors gave me a week ago.  Just don't know where there is room, now, for it to grow well.

SNAP refilled this morning, off to Kroger first thing. :-D  Made myself a blenderful of salsa.  Ate every bit. DID NOT SHARE ONE BITE!!!  LOL Girls are happy they got their ‘snacks.’  They get an allowance off the cards to use for the month for whatever they want that they don’t have to share and can take with them if they go away for the weekend.  Once their share is gone, or they have consumed all, they have to wait for the next refill.  They are still cooperative—about this one, at least.  :-)

New day.  Have a cold or something.  With the return of the plumbing problem, been five days? six? since I’ve had a shower.  Makes a huge mess if water gets in the tub.  Baby wipes to wipe the pits been working okay.  It isn’t hot here yet to get stinky from sweat.  I am, however, going to exercise my age status today and wash my hair in the shower.  It is ucky-ucky-ucky!  Good thing it’s still short. :-D  This time the girls can clean up the mess afterward.  :-p  Will make me feel better.  After, going to putter in front yard for a bit, then go back to bed.

So make my announcement and younger-mama, bless her heart, says, “I’m going to shower in the backyard with the waterhose.”  Blink, blink, misty eyes. Awwwww.  But then older-mama pipes up with, ‘Well, can I take a shower, too?”  GRRRRRRR.  Can’t you let me have my moment?  Geeze, you are the only one who HAS had a shower in the last four days!  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Sister is here.  Girls making lunch for her and drying the load of clothes she brought over.  Wish she would spend more time over here, but guess it will come soon enough when she shuts down the other house.

I think the floor joists/supports are water-damaged.  Floor looks to be canted and sinking in the areas with plumbing…sigh…damn...well just damn.  Floy-data’s plumber friend hasn’t called back.  If he doesn’t in the morning, going to call the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and any other organization I can think of that might be able to refer a plumber willing to wait for payment.

Girl-child’s father gave us $20 for gas tonight.  That’s a help and is appreciated. :-)

Two new Iris patterns out of the historic rhizomes! I am so happy they aren't all the same purple.  That one is very pretty and yet I was looking forward to a mix.  Welp, I gots 'em. Yea, me!!!  I be happy happy with these pretties.


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Oh, my my my!
Posted on Apr 12, 2013 10:58 AM

Flowers.  I love flowers.  :-)  Nice thing about living in Texas is you get flowers most of the year. 

OOOOHHHH!! BUTTERFLY!!! It is gorgeous!  Don’t know what kind, but I am happy-happy to see it!  (Jump-up-and-down dance!)

Ya know what?  This is the entire post for today.  It is too perfect to mess up with other stuffs.  (awwwww)


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Sunshine on my shoulder
Posted on Apr 11, 2013 5:12 PM

Going to have to stop driving soon, I think.  Get confused about where I am, losing focus on traffic, not paying attention.  Caught myself approaching an intersection, had the green light and was turning my head back and forth, then forward again like we are all taught to do—and not remembering what it was I was looking out for.  Turned in front of oncoming traffic starting from the green twice this week because I didn’t register that the cars were there.  Dangerous.  Of course, if the car is repo’d, won’t make any difference anyway. :-p

Older-mama went to library and put in several work applications.  Brought the approved male friend in house to introduce.  WooHoo!  She is learning manners…or not.  LOL  Washed younger-mama’s blankets and they are hanging on the line.  Getting that girl to wash clothes, blankets, sheets, or even take a shower is a mind-boggling effort. These will smell really good for awhile, at least.

Taking younger-mama and girl-child to doctor follow-up from last week.  No DIL to pick up tonight, so I can put on jammies after clinic and hide with a book.  Mother Hubbard until the SNAP card refill on Saturday.  Let’s see: do have a can of refried beans, a can of no-meat chili, shredded Nacho-seasoned cheese, some flour tortillas, and some tortilla chips.  Oh, and Louisiana-style hot sauce and pickled jalapeno slices for younger-mama, who has an asbestos mouth-lining.  If I make bean burritos and/or chili cheese nachos for dinner tonight, I think they will eat it. Well, and there are some corn dogs in the freezer (bleckk). :-D

Girls are fighting over who gets to sit on the couch.  You gotta be kidding me!?!  Maybe I should just be glad this is the first fight they’ve had since they’ve been here?  Was told they fought almost daily at the other house…but, c’mon!  Sheesh.

Younger-mama is ecstatic because she has permission to let her boyfriend come to the house to ‘hang out.’  My sister knows him well and says won’t be any problems, sooo…

Roses and salvia and centaurea and clematis and coreopsis and iris all in bloom today…happy sigh…Rain overnight, then cold.  Near freezing by Thursday morning.  Weird.  Average last frost date here is April 8, which was yesterday.  The cold doesn’t concern me at all.  If we get the hail and winds forecasted, THAT concerns me.  Nothing I can change, just hope to sleep through it all—it is supposed to hit around 3:00AM. :-p


New day.  Raining!! Yea!!!! RainRainRainRainRain.  Happy Flower Dance. :-) Oooh, thunder, too!  House just shook, but, as long as the lightning doesn’t strike the house or knock out power or anything like that, a little shaking is okay-fine with me.

Tub and toilet backing up again.  Water everywhere.  No money to buy more lye for the drains.  I am so ready to give up.


New day.  Sister had a little money bought more lye cleaner last night.  Checked this morning and it didn’t work.  Will try rest of bottle.  See if they all can GO STAY SOMEWHERE ELSE! for a few days.

Gloriously gorgeous roses in full bloom today…ah…perfection. :-)


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Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Posted on Apr 9, 2013 9:45 AM

Starting the day off with a conflict is no wayno.  Older-mama took it amiss that I said no TV and took my phone back.  She’s been here three months exactly and does little but sleep late (leaving baby-boy in crib until she’s ready to get up, watch TV, eat, smoke, and text.  It was all “Well, I’ll just move OUT, then!”  Okay, fine.  If you can get someone to support you, including buying your toiletries, cigarettes, food, diapers, baby medicine, etc., provide all your transportation, have a place to do your laundry, watch your child whenever you want, and will let you do pretty much everything you want without having to exert yourself, be my guest.  And if you want CPS to be called every time you move around, go ahead.  Better to leave him here while you float, but whatever.  Okay, this isn’t helping.  Breathe.  Breathe some more. Breeeeeeathe.  In and out…in and out…

Put on my best auntie hat: (calmly) asked her in what way she has not been supported in this house, in what way she has been prevented from looking for work, did she remember how she grew up, did she want that kind of life for her son, plus more stuff I don’t remember.  Then I left her alone to think about it.  We will see.

Picked up GN from school, then picked up younger-mama and baby from daycare and brought all back here.  Had to tell my sister that I called the IRS to check on her amended return and it will be 30-60 days before it will be processed.  Not good news.  We’ve been counting on having that money SOON to get my mortgage and car payments caught up.  So, now it is make plans for the car to be repossessed, and, Dear God, you know I don’t want to do this again—ask Shel for the February mortgage payment.  That would make about $3500 I owe her since last Fall.  If she even has it or is willing to send it again…damn…


New day.  Took younger-mama and baby to their respective daycares (:-D and decided to make coffee rather than go back to sleep.  Really early for all of us—me included—and trying to be werry, werry quiet.  Then, Murphy steps in.  Pulling a bread bag off the shelf that only had one crust left in it, breaking it up for dogs.  Empty baby bottles on that same shelf and one on top of bread bag.  Bottle tips over, wobbles, falls.  I miss catching it.  Bottle bounces off counter.  Bounces on floor.  Bounces away.  Bounces away some more.  Keeps bouncing until it is almost at the baby’s room door…sigh…okay, Murph, but please don’t wake up Buddha-Boy. :-/

I am glad I am older than I was—don’t mind at all looking or sounding goofy or singing (badly) if it entertains the boy-baby. :-}  He’s a happy child (thank you, God!).

Older-mama got up at 8:30!!!! Happy Dance!!!  She went out with a male friend last night (of whom I actually approve!).  He encouraged her in the job search, made a suggestion or two, including apply online for job at close-by McDonald’s, then go to the location and talk to the manager.  I submitted the app for her this morning before she got up—my room is my last refuge and I ain’t sharin’!—plus was going to drop her at library to get a card and use those computers.  Then she says her male friend was going to library this morning anyway, so…yea!  I don’t have to lug around car seat and Buddha-Boy!!!!  HappyHappyDance! LOL  Also gave her a budget form to figure out how much money she will need to make to cover her share of apartment expenses if she wants to move out.  Should be an eye-opener for her. :-p

Daniel Deronda Clematis open today!!!  Beautiful toney blue-purples.  Big applause!!!

Bigger Applause:  Fourth of July Rose has a fully open PERFECT bloom!  Yea, yippeeeee!!!!  I love Spring…

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